We are passionate about Otolaryngology and look forward to providing the best treatment plan possible for all your ENT needs. At Helena ENT Clinic, our physicians provide excellent care to patients of any age. Some of the most common nose and sinus conditions are sinusitis, chronic allergies, sinus blockages, and deviated septum. Call Helena ENT Clinic, to set up an appointment, if you are experiencing issues managing these conditions.
Sinusitis is the inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Chronic sinusitis is defined by inflammation or swelling of the sinus tissue that lasts for three months or longer, despite treatment. Balloon Sinuplasty (BSP) is a safe and effective procedure for chronic sinusitis patients who are not responding well to medications and are seeking relief from uncomfortable and painful sinusitis symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with chronic sinusitis and are not responding well to medication, you may be a candidate for sinus surgery. There is now a less invasive option used by Dr. Scott Pargot to treat chronic sinusitis patients that is clinically proven to be safe, effective and improve the quality of your life.
With Balloon Sinuplasty, Dr. Scott Pargot will open inflamed sinuses in the same way that heart surgeons open blocked arteries during balloon angioplasty. The procedure is less invasive than traditional sinus surgery, and effective at relieving symptoms of chronic sinusitis. Balloon Sinuplasty allows patients to return to normal activities quickly. Unlike conventional sinus surgery, it does not include removal of bone or tissue from the nose. In many cases, Balloon Sinuplasty can be done in the office under local anesthesia, so that there is no need to go to an operating room or undergo general anesthesia.
At Helena ENT we recommend allergy drops to treat chronic allergies. Allergy drop treatments can help you safely, effectively, and conveniently treat the cause of your allergies.
How do allergy drops work?
Allergy drops work like allergy shots by delivering a slowly increasing dose of physician-prescribed antigen that builds the body’s tolerance to the allergens that cause your allergy symptoms. The difference is that the drops are placed under the tongue and affect the immune system through very specialized cells found there. Research shows these cells are a friendlier and more effective route for long-term tolerance, making it ideal for people who can’t tolerate or don’t respond to allergy shots. Treatment for most patients lasts between three to five years, depending upon severity of allergies. Allergy drops can be provided to clients at a lower cost with fewer clinic visits.
*Allergy drops have proven especially helpful for children with eczema and recurrent ear infections, which often have underlying allergic causes. Research shows that many children with untreated eczema and allergies often develop asthma and other chronic conditions later in life, so treating them early can have life-long benefits.
Blockages can cause sinusitis, a condition in which the sinuses swell and become clogged, causing pain and impaired breathing. Endoscopic sinus surgery – also called endoscopy or sinoscopy – is a procedure used to remove blockages in the sinuses.
A thin instrument called an endoscope is inserted into the nose, and the doctor looks inside through an eyepiece. Much like a telescope with a wide-angle camera lens, the endoscope beams light into different parts of the nose and sinuses, allowing the doctor to see what is causing blockages. Surgical instruments can then be used along with the endoscope to remove the blockages and improve breathing.
This surgery does not involve cutting through the skin, as it is performed entirely through the nostrils, and most people can go home the same day.
Endoscopic sinus surgery can relieve nasal blockages, relieve facial pain, improve breathing, and improve the sense of smell and taste.
Endoscopic sinus surgery is an effective procedure to correct:
- Sinusitis
- Deviated septum, in which the partition separating the left and right sides of the nose is crooked
- Polyps, a noncancerous water-filled swelling
- Tumors, a swelling caused by an uncontrolled growth of cells
Botox, or Botulinum toxin, is a prescription medicine that is injected into the muscles and used to temporarily improve the look of moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows as well as the side of the eyes to improve the look of moderate to severe crow’s feet in men and women ages 18-65. Helena ENT does not provide Botox for cosmetic purposes, but we do offer the treatment to help with facial spasms and severe migraines.